Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hoop house for agriculture

Hoop house is the simple technology that has been developed to extend the growing season for local foods, especially vegetables.

The popular name is a high tunnel. It is simply a frame made of plastic or metal, covered by greenhouse-grade polyethylene plastic.

The plastic is supported by series of curved pipes, like large croquet hoops, spaced at 4 foot intervals. The plastic covering is attached to boards along the bottom on each side.

Hoop house is a relatively accessible way to build an unheated greenhouse without going to all the expense and effort of building and actual greenhouse.

A hoop house is inherently protected from precipitation. The good one is water is completely in farmer’s control.

The house is low initial cost, easy to erect and built directly on ground with no foundation.

There are number of important factors to take into consideration when deciding which hoop house will best suit the gardening needs.

Seasonal weather conditions will have an impact both in the type of hoop house to be built and the plant the farmer wont to grow inside it. Another consideration is space.
Hoop house for agriculture 

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