Sunday, November 25, 2018

Clams farming

Clams are bivalves — shelled invertebrates (or animals without backbones) in the same zoological class, Bivalvia, as the oyster, mussel, cockle and scallop. The shells of these animals consist of two parts, or “valves,” held together by an elastic ligament hinge.

Clam farming is an enjoyable and sometimes profitable way to remain connected with the rich aquacultural legacy of the state. It is also a good way for them to become more aware of coastal processes such as sedimentation and erosion.

All clams are “broadcast” spawners. That is, they release eggs and sperm into the water column and let nature (and the law of averages) take their course.

In the UK, clams start to grow in the spring when seawater temperatures reach 8 - 9ºC. Growth rate reaches a maximum in July or August when water temperature peaks (usually 14 - 18ºC) and then falls off again as the temperature drops back below 8 - 9ºC in November or December.

Clams live buried in the substrate. Their survival is better in sand or gravel substrates but it is possible to grow them in muddy areas too.

As the tiny clam grows larger it hangs onto substrate by byssal threads similar to that generated by a mussel. This gives them some protection against being washed away by waves or currents.
Clams farming

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