Saturday, July 30, 2022

Raspberry plant

Raspberries are a shrub belonging to the Rosaceae family, in the genus Rubus. One of the most popular berries in North America, one raspberry bush can produce several hundred berries per season.

There are two different categories of raspberries: Summer-bearing and fall-bearing (also called everbearing).
*Summer-bearing plants produce one big crop of fruits in late summer (often June or July). They are more common, developing their fruit on last year’s growth.
*Fall-bearing plants produce two crops a year. The plants produce berries on new canes. they bear a fall crop and can also produce fruit the following summer.

The raspberry of greatest importance in commercial production is deciduous perennial with biennial status stems, the upright primocanes being produced in the first year of growth and the fruit-bearing laterals produced from them in the second year, when the canes are known as ‘floricanes’. The floricane produces fruit in early to mid-summer and then dies.

Raspberry bushes grow best in full sun (at least 6-8 hours), in rich, well-drained soil. Raspberries grow 4-6 feet high; it isn't necessary to trellis them as long there are a room for the canes to arch slightly as the fruit ripens.

Fruit ripening in raspberry usually takes about 30-36 days from pollinating. Abscission layers form upon ripening where each drupelet is attached to the receptacle and so once the fruit is harvested the receptacle or plug remained attached to the lateral.
Raspberry plant

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